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invisible password discoverd by bafana in 2024 after hacked by the south african state.allso evry sytem     around the world my be unhackeble by asistment of my own ideare.Nobuhle  Cain from Z section was an activist en young black leady that was used to distroy Bafanas entire revulution. Junia memela  was a hero en great student  as political scientist survived    between life an dearth under political sycumstances  .Smith familie were the one granted   Bafana a gateway to sucsess.eventualy fall in love with Rose that drive him creazy.Zungulu was a MK member thats had a draft to kill Bafana as powerful politicien well trained at America secretivly using computer signals .Zining was Bafanas sister big friend with Rose.U do Rose bad i take your soul without hasitation from Bafana  as for stabane

CODE 666 alliminati the world blood 


find the value of X

Qeen Elizaberth was the first person in the world to sand an email.

Lwandes coding software team

Bafana Memela his a computer scientist allso politician

internet inventer en revolution of 1915

speed of a dream




John Couch Cobort was founder of NORTH AMERICA IN 1449

1+1=100-98=2   OR  1+1=2

Heading 6

4haarps  Technology in america are used to change the weather .reaserch was masde to University of Alaska.It worcks as radiation.

CODE 666 alliminati the world blood 


find the value of X

Bafana Memela his an technology uspect en politician

internet inventer en revolutionist 1915

speed of a dream


John Couch Cobort was founder of NORTH AMERICA IN 1449

1+1=100-98=2   OR  1+1=2


4haarps  Technology in america are used to change the weather or dirrect heart to another country.reaserch was masde to University of Alaska.It worcks as radiation.

4 haarps Technology in america are used to change the or directing heart to another country research was made to university of alaska it worcks as radiation

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